10 Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy
- Avoid talking
over noise (at parties, restaurants, etc.), as this fatigues the voice. At parties, use anear plug in one ear - this will allow you to hear yourself over the noise, so you won't use such a loud voice - Use amplification for public speaking
- Never scream
- Avoid whispering. Loud whispering causes vocal strain
- Avoid grunting with heavy exercise
- Avoid coughing or heavy throat clearing.
Instead, swallow your saliva, take a sip of water or do a silent cough simply pushing air through your vocal folds ( as if saying h) to loosen themucous so you can swallow - If your voice feels tired, sounds abnormal or if you have laryngitis, rest your voice periodically and avoid unnecessary talking.
- Your vocal folds work best when they are hydrated. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and limit your intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages
- Talk to your doctor about treating acid reflux (through diet modification or medication) as this can irritate the vocal folds and lead to hoarseness
- Avoid smoking or breathing
secondhand smoke
*Source: world-voice-day.org